Dreamweaving the Grottesque

Can the figure of the monster serve as a system to glimpse at the socially constructed reality we inhabit, challenging conventional boundaries, standards, and inviting exploration into alternative narratives through embracing complexity and hybridity? The project wants to adopt the figure of the monster as a methodology for artistic, anthropological and environmental research. Starting from the notion of understanding the human as separate from the surroundings, we question the notion of the body as a fixed container instead of an interactive, porous and ever-changing one. Employing into the design process what is by definition a symbol that goes beyond norms and limits, adopting the monster as a morphing system to observe spaces, matter, bodies and the relations connecting those, within the frame of a fact-fictional realm of action.

Project in collaboration with Matilde Patuelli 


2024  “Dreamweaving the Grottesque” at Onomatopee, Eindhoven (NL)